They Need To Go Shallower

A deep sea submarine game, where you are the hungry sea monsters!

This is a game about fish, and fish don't care what you think.

Control a horde of scientifically accurate* anglerfish, who, like any reasonable fish, would like to consume everything they come across. Chomp on divers, a submarine sail, and a submarine gun while overpopulating the deep sea in this fishy game.

Convince these unfortunate explorers that they really do need to go shallower!

Win the game by destroying the submarine's sail (the big bump on the top) and its gun.

Don't forget that every time you eat a diver you can lay another egg sac.

Made in 48 hours for GMTK Jam 2023 by:

12090113 - Programming and game design

Mayyyyy - Art, music, and sound effects

Devonian - Game concept and playtesting


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Sorry, my mouse doesn’t have a middle click.

You can also move the camera just by zooming, as it zooms towards/away from your mouse pointer. No need for a middle mouse click.

That is kind of hard to do though, especially in action.

That is true. I guess I should have added space bar + click and drag camera movement to accommodate for that.

You can always update the game after Game Jam. :-)

